1004 Popup Xtra Warning: This is an unregistered Xtra!\n\nProperties of the Popup Xtra castmembers will not be saved to disk and will be reset to their default values.
1005 Popup Xtra Warning: This is an unregistered Xtra! Until it is registered, using certain functions and setting specific properties will not work. These are:\n\nFunctions:\nAppendItem\nInsertItem\nSetMenu\nSetMenuField\n\nProperties:\nmenu\nmenuField
1007 Register...
1008 Select a foreground color:
1009 Select a background color:
1010 About...
1011 Help
1012 helppopx.htm
1013 The help file (helppopx.htm) for Popup Xtra can't be found. Please make sure it is located in the same folder as the Popup Xtra.
1014 Not a valid castmember reference.
1015 member ^0 of castlib ^1
1016 <unused>
1017 Unable to launch a web browser for the help file (helppopx.htm) because the browser could not be found.
1018 Unable to obtain the default web browser for the help file because this is an earlier version of Director. Please open the help file "helppopx.htm" with a web browser to obtain help on using Popup Xtra.
1019 Unable to launch the default web browser for the help file (helppopx.htm) because there is not enough memory.